Labels:text | map | atlas | screenshot | diagram OCR: 91 90 88 434500 430500 545750 414820 436500 05 437500 Pecatonical R. 438500 KiBalkon Apple R. 419000 435500 Lake Pum R. Pine 440000 Michigar 42 439500 SELECT THIS 444000 7- Gr. 420500 443500 439000 AREA FOR Elkhorn Cr. " Rive! FIGURE 4 ; River 446500 447500 A Green Bureau Cr. 448000 552500 Fox 527500 466500 Edwards R. 556500 Kanker, aiver 519000 Vermilion 467000 466000 543500 Henderson Cr. 555300 VOZEY 520500 518000 41 558300 469000 568800 554500- 526000 Rive 567000 R. 525000 569500 River 525500 570000 568500 567500. Panther River 580950 474500 Mackinaw Vermilion La Moine River 05 568000 570910 584500 Sugar Ca 580000 RI 583000 Kickapoo Ci 338780 495500 Minois 582000 Crees F337000 33 664519 40 MCKGO ASalt 585000 579500> co 57 8500 339000 572000 577500- Mississippi Mauvaise Terre Cr 576500)/ Lake 590800 Daratur 573540 24 343400 586100 Lake 576000 Springfield 591700 590950 Horse Cr. 512500 S. Fork 591550 ^ 591200 34 1500 River 592050 M Lak 03 07 587000 otter Cr. 592000 592100 58 70607 Creek 593900X Range Cr. Askia 378635 North Forkr 39 346000 587450-) 342000 588000} 592800 592500 athokia Cr. Little Wabash 587900_ Lake 592575 345500 593945 EXPLANATION 594450 592900 343000 Bonpas Cr. 010000 593000 379500 Shoal SURFACE WATER- ) 1-594000 593020 STAGE 5948000 593520 378000 a River 594100 377500 587450 Station number 593575 595700 380500 -Killet F. River (see note) 595200 05 595730 595820 05 River basin part 595240 595765 595860 378500 38 number (see note) 020500 -381500 A Continuous-record Beaucougy stage station 597000 Marys R. 599500 Salin& Continuous-record stage 597500 station with telecommunication Crab Orchard Lake 382100 So Muar 1 384450 .612000 River Note: The river basin part number prefix has been omitted from the station number. The part number is 03 02200025 Bay for streams tributary to the Ohio River Basin ; 04 for 611500 streams tributary tothe St. Lawrence River Basin; 05 for streams tributary tothe upper Mississippi River Ba sin; 37 and 07 for streams tributary to the lower Mississippi River Basin. Base from U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000 and 1:2,000,000 Digital Data 40 60 MILE Albers Equal-Area Conic projection Standard parallels 33 and 46 , central meridian -89 20 40 60 KILOMETERS